Question of the week

Collage of different people


What is the most challenging decision you have had to make in your career and how did you handle it?

- Joanna Wallén

Week 21

How do you maintain a balance between your work life and private life?

- Ewa Malmsten

Week 20

What do you expect from being a member in Lunchin?

- Dana

Week 19

How do you work with follow-up after meeting new contacts?

- Rebecca Boström

Week 16

How many networks have you been part of, or are part of today?

- Linus & Andreas

Week 15

How good are you at networking on a scale from 1 to 5?

- Shené Abdul

Week 14

What challenges do you see in recruitment in 2024?

- Frida Sundelin

Week 13

What are you doing for easter?

- Rebecca Boström

Week 12

What does agile mean to you?

- Anders Flodqvist

Week 11

Do you have a tip on how to start a conversation when networking?

- Paula Söderström

Week 10

What did you do last week that you're most proud of?

- Théodora Gomis

Week 9

How are you networking on your time off or when you are on holiday?

- Ewa Malmsten & Joanna Wallén

Week 8

When you network, do you do it to build up your business' brand or to grow your personal brand?

- Johan Bollman

Week 7

Which holiday destination haven't you visited yet but might go to during this winter season, or after your next reached sales goal?

- Jenni Ahlstedt

Week 6

What are you doing to make the world more sustainable?

- Heidi Andersson

Week 5

How have the latest discussions and recommendations around crisis preparations affected your work, and how do you currently think and act around IT-security?

- Evelina Duffy

Week 4

What is your favourite part about the winter?

- Mikael Lundgren

Week 3

What do you think is the biggest obstacle to not use video in your social media?

- Fredrik Westerstad

Week 2

How will your networking look this year, will you increase it or scale it back?

- Mats Enlund

Week 51

What is the most important to you in effective networking?

- Annika Sörenstam

Week 50

For your company or your work, is there something special about Christmas time that you think extra about? For many, Christmas is a time when you focus a lot on relationships. Are there any specific business or professional relations that you focus on during this period?

- Kalle Cederblad

Week 49

What's the single most important quality for you when you create new relationships?

- Klas Jansson

Week 48

What questions do you need answered today in order to dare to make a career change in the middle of your life?

- Te Hedlund

Week 47

Ask the person next to you about an incident that changed the direction of their life.

- Niclas Lernberger

Week 46

Discuss the word 'procrastination' - what does this word mean to you?

- Michael Lundgren

Week 45

How do you think AI will affect your work? Is it a threat or an opportunity?

- Anders Nilsson

Week 44

Serendipity, do you know what it is and have you experienced it?

- Kristian Andersson