The Networking App

People talking and shaking hands

Network more efficiently!

Like many other organisations and businesses, Lunchin uses the information and networking app Card4Action.

To enhance and improve your visit;


  • Create a private account free of charge.
  • Design one or more Profile Cards.
  • Check in to meetings with your profile card.
  • Share and save contact details with people you meet.
  • Increased security with direct and up-to-date information online.
  • Improved and more efficient follow-ups.
  • Find attractive offers.
Hand holding a phone showing the app

Simple tips for networking

Networking is not necessarily difficult, but to make it even more efficient and enjoyable we suggest focusing on the following points.

Show your interest by actively listening to the person you meet as much as you do the talking yourself. Who you are as a person is more important than your title or what company you work for. People do business with people. Bare in mind that each person you meet could become your future ambassador, which in turn could generate 50 times more contacts on your behalf. Following up is key! Being active and keeping up with your follow-ups from meetings is crucial for nurturing contacts into future prospects and business opportunities.

Download the app today

Card4Action is your personal book of contacts for information, contacts and meetings. When you participate in network-related activities such as events, fairs and conferences, it should be quick and easy to share and save contact information with people you meet - on your terms. Information that is important to have for uncomplicated follow-ups. Scan the QR-code to get started!

QR code to download the app